Vehicle built-in traffic speed camera

This advanced model of Doppler-based radar speed camera is designed for in-car applications and ranks among the most widespread and popular speed enforcement solutions. Provides comfort for patrolling staff, allowing them to measure speed of traffic while driving or when parked.

  • Certified road speedometer
  • Speed measurement  at approache, departure or in both directions from either standing or moving measuring car
  • Possibility of other vehicle measurement methods (car tracing, average speed measurement) without microwave sensors - not detectable by antiradar   
  • On-line data transfer to backup office
  • ANPR data search function

Microwave sensors installed behind car mask

Hidden installation

  • of doppler sensor (increased probability to capture drivers breaking the law)
  • of distance sensor to identify drive line


Possibility to make videorecord to capture even further traffic offences or driver misbehaviour while driving

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